The Meaning of Knowledge | Complete Philosophy Blog - 7

You probably think you know a lot of things. But do you know what it means to know something? We’ve spent quite a bit of time discussing beliefs and knowledge, but we haven’t really been specific about what we mean when we talk about those things. Tha…

Locke, Berkeley, & Empiricism | Complete Philosophy Blog - 6

By the time we’re done today, I just might have you questioning whether the apple in the basket is real or not. Think I can’t do it? Take time to read this blog! I might have you wondering whether I’m a physical object or not. And the same goes for al…

Cartesian Skepticism - Neo, Meet Rene | Complete Philosophy Blog - 5

René Descartes - Cartesian Skepticism A film for your philosophical consideration: The Matrix. You gotta remember the humans floating in vats of KY jelly? Tubes and wires keeping them alive, stimulating their brains, to make them believe that they wer…

Leonardo DiCaprio & The Nature of Reality | Complete Philosophy Blog - 4

We’ve spent a couple of lessons thinking about how philosophers reason. Now it’s time to do some actual philosophy. And one of the most important hallmarks of philosophical thought is that you should never take things at face value. You should always …

How to Argue - Induction & Abduction | Complete Philosophy Blog - 3

How do you know that aspirin will take care of your headache? Why do you really want to see the new Marvel movie, even though you haven’t heard anything about it, good or bad? Your ability to do things like predict how a medication will affect you, or…

How to Argue - Philosophical Reasoning | Complete Philosophy Blog - 2

Aristotle once described humans as “the rational animal.” Well, actually, he said that “man is the rational animal,” but we don’t have to be sexist just because he was. And if you’ve ever gotten into an argument with someone about religion or politics…

What is Philosophy | Complete Philosophy Blog - 1

You and I are about to embark on a journey. A journey of inquiry, into the whole world, your world. In an effort to figure out: what gives it meaning, what makes it beautiful, where its evils come from, and ultimately, what is the very nature of reali…

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